Chamomile Flowers can be used internally or externally to treat a myriad of ailments. Nowadays, researchers are increasingly exploring its effectiveness in managing illnesses, including cancer and diabetes. Some of Chamomile's Flowers health benefits include settling the stomach and calming the nerves, it is also used as a great sedative and relaxant. It can also be added to bath water to ease pain and itching from skin irritation such as eczema. Other health benefits include regulating menstrual flow, relieving nausea, infections, headaches as well as improves appetite.
If pregnant, use caution as too much chamomile can cause spontaneous abortion.
If you have an allergy to ragweed please do not consume. Should not be taken with other sedatives as it can increase the effect.
Instructions: 1 teaspoon per 8 - 12 oz of hot water. Allow each cup to sit for at least 10 minutes before drinking. The recommended dosage is 2 cups per day.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.